have i told you that i love fridays? theres PE and 3 other of my favourite subjects. Sadly today's PE was the last one that we were going to have. I must say today's PE was one of the most fun-nest ever. guys suck at netball! hahahahah. but it was funny. XL trying to scare me when i have the ball, which made me screamed, Daniel clapping in my face, tricking me that was in his team, Leon guarding the pole, shaking it so that our opponent wont be able to shoot, melvin being blur, passing the ball not to me but to the opponent, and the tiresome jumps that i had to make as the guys were enormously, hovering the skies, unabling me-usually one of the tallest in netball- to try and catch the freaking ball. the court was wet and our shoes stenched like hell. but the time spent was worth it.
rentak singapura was fun! my part time break for a while. the show was amazing. revalina's new member is cute la. hahahhaa. okay im crappy. but the whole trip and concert was entertaining and got me screaming for stupid rock songs performed by twitching bass player due to his freaking long hair. it was at the strings of the bass la! maybe even longer! didi's performance was the best actually, so full of emotion and capture's the audience well.
so now let me feast your eyes on the pictures and adios amigos!