Saturday sumed up as FUN. like 'inney kudusai mmmchunga unthaya'. AHAHHA. only me and my siblings know that, unless you are a HUGE drake and josh fan. :D it was a really really hot and humid saturday with 10,000 people around you in a small little place called wild wild wet. long queues to rides, slow moving lines in the shower and the hot blazing sun shining on your skin with one task in mind, how to find your boyfriend in that tiny little place with people shoving you around. trust me, i gave up after an hour.
i have some foam party pictures in the process which i love them a lot. the others, well not so much. or maybe the fact that didicazly was there to perform at the concert. funny story, i had to run all the way from ehub's toilet to see didi at d'marquee when the initial plan was to find a shirt protector. okay, i know boyfee will be like 'you would wanna run for a stranger when you see him but you dont do that for me'. sorry boyfee :(
but the best part was to ride the ular-lah with a bunch of oh-perasan-hot sissys screaming like AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH in high pitch with me laughing away instead of screaming like hell. but i love 'em sissys. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D
my eyes are dreading to shut them tight and wake up late tmr. i have floorball practise but i won't be coming. i have overdued stuff to do like study NSL before this coming practical test, AAP before i can go crazy about gluteus maximus, FON test before i'm in a state of confusion between its ethics and history, AAP quiz before i'm irritated cos i got 19/20 but now its like 18, uniforms to alter and ironed, CITS assignments and grp work to hand up before i go insane, NPSU'S form and picture before i lose my GL-potential place, the uniform protector to buy before i panic, plan a date with boyfee before i go mentally crooked cos its been long since we've talk, like really talk, plan sneaky weakies and the financial stuff before i loose my mind, talk to my mum about PDA ordering before i use up all the money for that, buy a concession or my monday will be cockup.
and i'm still waiting for boyfee to text/call me since 245pm just now. i bet he's as dead beat as me.
i have some foam party pictures in the process which i love them a lot. the others, well not so much. or maybe the fact that didicazly was there to perform at the concert. funny story, i had to run all the way from ehub's toilet to see didi at d'marquee when the initial plan was to find a shirt protector. okay, i know boyfee will be like 'you would wanna run for a stranger when you see him but you dont do that for me'. sorry boyfee :(
but the best part was to ride the ular-lah with a bunch of oh-perasan-hot sissys screaming like AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH in high pitch with me laughing away instead of screaming like hell. but i love 'em sissys. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D
my eyes are dreading to shut them tight and wake up late tmr. i have floorball practise but i won't be coming. i have overdued stuff to do like study NSL before this coming practical test, AAP before i can go crazy about gluteus maximus, FON test before i'm in a state of confusion between its ethics and history, AAP quiz before i'm irritated cos i got 19/20 but now its like 18, uniforms to alter and ironed, CITS assignments and grp work to hand up before i go insane, NPSU'S form and picture before i lose my GL-potential place, the uniform protector to buy before i panic, plan a date with boyfee before i go mentally crooked cos its been long since we've talk, like really talk, plan sneaky weakies and the financial stuff before i loose my mind, talk to my mum about PDA ordering before i use up all the money for that, buy a concession or my monday will be cockup.
and i'm still waiting for boyfee to text/call me since 245pm just now. i bet he's as dead beat as me.
what a couple.