and it was all yellow
im in the midst of creating a skin, since ive got 21 days to spare before my ultimate attachment. i am loving my lappy, fufu, cos it has the most beautiful thing in the world. adobe master collection :D if you know me, you know how crazy i am with graphics and editing.
tetris-sing with hafiz on the phone can be very very very irritating and funny at the same time. its like hearing all the vulgars on the other line while i kept gasping and saying mummyy at the same time. i know, my reaction is quite not really a reaction if that's what you call it. hafiz is a good boy today, went home as early as 12 pm [hahahah cos he never do]
panic at the kitchen just now, just before breaking fast. the whole kitchen smelled like belacan and cili padi due to my epic failure of cooking nasi goreng klasik. dont ask me why the name is like that. i was tasked to cook for this whole week and have to search for recipes to bake cookies and kueh for hari raya but i'm craving to bake muffins rather than cookies. with dark chocolate muffin and colourful bright neon icing with sprinkles and cream with cherry on top. i love cooking :D
back to hunting for my skin and eat eat eat eat eat eat.
ham and cheese sandwich!
nata de cococococococo
maw maw maw maw mymimeeemomuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
i'm watching phineas and ferb tmr morning!
alongside that remark,
i miss chuck bass :(
my chuck bass.
tetris-sing with hafiz on the phone can be very very very irritating and funny at the same time. its like hearing all the vulgars on the other line while i kept gasping and saying mummyy at the same time. i know, my reaction is quite not really a reaction if that's what you call it. hafiz is a good boy today, went home as early as 12 pm [hahahah cos he never do]
panic at the kitchen just now, just before breaking fast. the whole kitchen smelled like belacan and cili padi due to my epic failure of cooking nasi goreng klasik. dont ask me why the name is like that. i was tasked to cook for this whole week and have to search for recipes to bake cookies and kueh for hari raya but i'm craving to bake muffins rather than cookies. with dark chocolate muffin and colourful bright neon icing with sprinkles and cream with cherry on top. i love cooking :D
back to hunting for my skin and eat eat eat eat eat eat.
ham and cheese sandwich!
nata de cococococococo
maw maw maw maw mymimeeemomuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
i'm watching phineas and ferb tmr morning!
alongside that remark,
i miss chuck bass :(
my chuck bass.