school has been awesome with my wonderful dodols, making my oh so quiet days in NP a really hell loads of fun especially eating and staring at each other with darn sleepy faces, finding new eyecandies and talk about life. i'm starting to appereciate what i could make do with the people that have always been around me that i've never took notice of.
ive been busy with a lot of assignments to finish off. this includes SAWI's last steps, still need ideas to beef up my project and finding the materials for hard copy still makes me dizzy; DRAFT for NR needs to be done by this week cos i have 2 more weeks left and 1000 words don't come out from my brain just by itself; perfecting my NSL skills to ace practical test in week 5 (ALERT:NEXT WEEK); Study for FON test for next week's tutorial; AAP notes before week 6; upcoming polympics with yus and the rest (:DDDDDD i miss my floorball stick!) and loads more that i need to take care of.
SAWI outing with 26 monthsary outing
hotcakes smiley face :D
my lovely boy right there was really helpful to accompany me for my SAWI project. he had to follow me twice cos the first attempt was hopeless as pictures at night are a nono. So we had another outing on our 26th monthsary and the day went awesome. breakfast at mac's with mum, playing racing games on asyraf's new game consoles, walking around aimlessely while i tried to withstand the dizziness i had (cos i was losing a lot of blood) and the long story ride home which summed up everything that happen at school. he was a really good listener.

happy 26th monthsary to you and i
i know you'll always be there and i've always got your back
you know i love you (:
"alaa syg, don't be like that."
oh oh i forgot see what i got in my mailbox today!
hafiz's cute little artsy fartsy envolope
there's a small note there "send by: nasyita's postman"
and this is what i got in return
fitri's reply
asyur was her postman.
thanks guys
although the order was a failure.
HAHAHAHA - again.
these are the small things that make me smile
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